@KTzone » 日常 - 飲飲食食 » SOUTHERN CROSS SHIRAZ MERLOT (Red Wine, Australia, 2003)

2007-12-29 17:39 Bart2007
SOUTHERN CROSS SHIRAZ MERLOT (Red Wine, Australia, 2003)

想找以上紅酒,唔各位有無門路? & 幾錢一枝??


2008-1-8 12:24 thomas_abc
is "Southern Cross" the name of the winery? coz if it is... i've never heard of it... i've tried searching online and haven't been able to locate any similar wineries inside australia...

if u have any more information that could aid me in looking for the wine... a picture of the bottle maybe?

PS. if the winery you're mentioning only offers export wines... then maybe u can find it in some large bottle shops...

2008-1-8 12:41 thomas_abc
i've found out that "Southern Cross" does exist... but haven't found a way to locate the wine u're after...

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